I was just few months in Second Life, browsing a small animation store one day. One other resident was there by the name of Jessil Sputnik. We struck up a bit of chat. Then she began to rezz things from her inventory. A ridable cow. A leaping dolphin. A penguin. A unicorn horn. I was utterly charmed. She was such a free spirit. No money, no land, possessing only freebies and knowing how to amuse herself. I said something about the penguin and the penguin said, "Hello, Sylvia". We were both so surprised. She didn't know the penguin was scripted for chat. I picked up "heh" from her. It fit. She tried the kissing animation on display and what could I do but click on the other ball and take a snap. I like to think of her as still orbiting, flying fast and free.
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